Viefe SWITCH系列 7008
Switch系列的三角掛鉤從幾何離散、優雅、與簡潔為設計原點。採胡桃木或橡木為材料,並提供4種不同的飾面供您挑選: 胡桃木原色、橡木原色、消光白漆色、消光黑漆色。對於尋找北歐或極簡主義環境風格的您,這款掛鉤的設計令人感到溫暖且歷久不衰。Switch系列由矩形底部拉出的三角斜面增加了它的平衡感和出色的功能性。安裝極其簡易,使用黏著劑將其固定在牆壁上,極簡外型完美地與壁面結合在一起。搭配同一系列的旋鈕和把手即可創造出和諧而輕鬆的空間。
The triangular wall hook Switch is discrete, elegant and simple. Made in walnut wood or in oak and available in four different finishes, this warm and timeless wall hook is perfect for Nordic or minimalist surroundings which need discrete decorative elements. Its straight lines emit from a triangle with a rectangular base which adds balance and great functionality. Its installation links in perfectly with its minimalist, simplistic shapes as it is fixed to the wall using an adhesive. Combined with the collection of knobs and handles from the same family, Switch allows you to create harmonious and relaxing spaces.